Thursday, October 11, 2007

Week 3 Stay Fly, No Lie, We Ballin!

Hey look, I'm doing my Blog before Sunday at 11:00 p.m. This is a huge step for me. This week of class was kinda crazy cause we didn't have class properly on Monday. Instead we got a very vague writing assignment, which under normal circumstances I would have enjoyed thoroughly. This Monday I really wasn't on my A game. I didn't feel well and I had a ton of stuff to do so I have to say that my effort for the story was piss poor. At least I turned something in. I originally wanted to do a story on Weezy F. Baby (Lil Wayne) who had a concert at Mac Court on Sunday, but didn't show up because he got arrested in Idaho. I didn't do this story because I didn't go to the concert and I had no idea who to talk to about it. Anyway I think I got some good quotes for my ticket line story, and if I could use inappropriate language I would have had some really good quotes. All in all the story was frustrating because I felt rushed although as you can tell I seem to write better with my back against a wall so it really shouldn't matter that the deadline was so fast. I'm stoaked for the beat assignment. I hope to have some fun with it. I have never been to the area I have been assigned so I have no idea what to expect. We also had a pretty good talk about anonymous sources and what makes someone a journalist, but i was on a bunch of dayquil so i didn't contribute too much. I am feeling a lot better now though so hopefully next week I'll be able to put some more effort in my writing. I guess I learned mostly this week that sometimes the paper sucks not because the writer is bad but maybe the writer just is sick this week.

1 comment:

Abrahm Lustgarten said...

Your first intuition on the Monday story assignment was a stronger one.

Also, what changed in your beat assignment -- if you started off feeling optimistic and interested in it, but then so quickly got bored. Did nothing there pique your curiosity?