Sunday, October 21, 2007

Hey I did it

Yes, I remembered to write this before midnight. So in regards to journalism that I have been reading. Well to be honest i don't read as much news as i should i get most of my news from T.V. My favorite interviewer is Larry King. He does the best interviews although every once in awhile he has some boring people on the show. I've also been watching alot of NBC nightly news with the Brian Williams, he is the man. So this is troubleing for me especially since I often get hasseled by people after saying I am a magazine journalism major when they respond with the "print journalism is dead." So is print dead? Well it might not be dead but its old and has Alzheimer's. To be honest most newspapers are boring and repetitive. The same stories over and over again written the same way. Car crash happened here and it went like this. THis is the role that print has taken in presenting information. If you want to get the stories you allready know about you read the paper. This person got murdered today blah blah blah. The T.V. news though allows for in-depth stories where you get to see the way people are. The main point is T.V. has color. They aren't afraid to try something new. I look at Chris Hanson as an example. I've recently become a huge fan of watching pedophiles being arrested and presented as news. It's almost a form of Gonzo Journalism but more like the anti-Gonzo Journalism. Instead of being the story Chris Hanson forces the story and plays as the answer to the problem that he makes happen. This is definetly questionable journalism ethically. I saw a special on ABC about "To Catch a predator" that invovled a man commiting suicide because of the show. This is just ridiculous that a news program becomes a special for another news program. It is obvious that "To Catch A Predator" steps over then line from observer to judge. This may not be the most ethical news reprting but it sure as hell is entertaining. So I dont know what kind of conclusions were made but in the end you can't fault the guy for bringing pedophiles to jail.

1 comment:

Abrahm Lustgarten said...

Good entry here. And I agree with a lot of your sentiments.

But why did you stop writing after October?